|   |  | It all started with a surprise vacation that Jeanne had planned in November of 2018. I did not know the where abouts of our destination, but figured I would throw in an extra surprise of my own. After dating for 8 years, I finally decided to pop the question and thought this would be the perfect opportunity. I had never really been any good at catching her off guard so I figured this was going to be a hard task. I had no idea when or how I was going to ask her to marry me. The first day of driving we stayed in Nashville, TN as she tried to throw me off the trail of our final destination. After one night in Nashville, and countless drunken bridesmaids stumbling about, I decided it was not the right moment to propose. Luckily the next day we got back in the truck and started driving south. I quickly discovered we were heading to Flordia! She rented a beautiful condo right on the Gulf front in Destin. This was for sure the right spot for the proposal. Half way through the week, without thinking anymore about how I was going to ask her, I decided to wake up at 4am saying that I couldn't sleep and was going to go for a walk. Two hours later, and a lot more work than I had anticipated I had everything all set! |
 |  | Matt came back from his "walk" soaked in sweat! He said he was going to shower and make coffee. He wanted me to get up for our daily coffee and window watching for the dolphins...we were on the 14th floor with a view for miles! At that moment, my phone went off for a weather alert, a thunderstorm was rolling in. I said "just come back to bed, it's about to storm and we won't be able to see anything anyway." He very politely requested that I get up anyway and of course I did. He was in the kitchen getting our coffee ready, so I strolled over to the windows, stretched and took in the gorgeous view. I looked to the left , the storm clouds were coming. I scanned over to the right, and huge letters in the sand caught my attention...JEANNE WILL YOU MARRY ME? Shocked, with tears of joy in my eyes, I turned around to find Matt on his knee behind me! The most amazing gesture EVER...I had never felt more loved!!! He spent two hours that morning digging that phrase in the sand...each letter was about 6'' deep x 12' tall and looked like a professional was hired to write it! I got dressed and ran down to the sand. I began writing YES to answer his question and suddenly heard people clapping and cheering. I turned around and looked up at the condo's to find numerous people standing on their patios just as excited as we were! The phrase lasted in the sand for days and reminded me every morning of the thoughtful romantic man I was going marry!!! |